Saturday, March 14, 2009

Back to Hotel & Taverns

By 1800 Abel Yarrington removed to what was afterward was the Wyoming hotel, on South Main street, down from Public Square.

It was afterwards run by Mr. Reeder and then Mr. Keithline.

In 1823 it was purchased by Charles J. Christel who operated it until his death in 1836.

Next it was run by Henry Pettitt.

In the early 1840 it was bought by Jacob Bertels who operated it until the beginning of the Civil War, about 1863.

David Astin was the saloonkeeper 1868-71.

In the News
J. HARDY, respectfully informs the inhabitants of Kingston and its vicinity, that he has just returned from New York, with Grocery Stores, which he intends selling on reasonable terms for Cash only, at the Wyoming Hotel. (Oct 8 1819)

Public House. Charles J. Christel has purchased that long established Tavern Stand, in the Borough of Wilkesbarre, formerly occupied by Mr. Reeder, and lately by Mr. Keithline, where he has opened a Public House of Entertainment, and respectfully solicits a share of the public custom. He also continues the practice of Physic, Surgery and Midwifery and will be ready at all times to attend to calls in the line of his profession. (May 16 1823)

One Cent Reward. Ranaway from the Subscriber living in Wilkesbarre, on the 14th inst., a bound boy named Squire Allen, aged 17 years. C. J. Christel. (Mar 16 1827)

Attention Citizen Volunteers. You will meet for exercise on Monday the 5th May next, at the house of Charles J. Christel Wilkesbarre, at nine o’clock, A. M., completely equipt as the law directs. By order of Capt. Ross. Jos. P. Dennis, O. S. (Apr 18 1828)

A stock of goods to be sold at auction on the 25th inst. The sale will take place at the Store House belonging to Henry Cady, near the tavern formerly kept by Doct. Christel, in the Borough of Wilkesbarre.F. P. Huffman. 8 Feb. 1837

Wyoming Hotel, lately occupied by Henry Pettitt, now the business of Jacob Bertels. 26 Feb. 1840

Allen Huffman Cady Ross Dennis

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